nLab weighted graph



Recall that a simple graph is a set VV of vertices equipped with

  • a family of subsingletons xV,yVE(x,y)x \in V, y \in V \vdash E(x, y) whose elements are called edges,

  • a family of bijections xVi(x,y):E(x,x)x \in V \vdash i(x, y):E(x, x) \cong \emptyset,

  • a family of bijections xV,yVs(x,y):E(x,y)E(y,x)x \in V, y \in V \vdash s(x, y):E(x, y) \cong E(y, x).

A weighted graph is a simple graph equipped with a family of functions xV,yVw(x,y):E(x,y)Rx \in V, y \in V \vdash w(x, y):E(x, y) \to R from the edge subsingleton to a rig of numbers RR. Usually RR is the natural numbers \mathbb{N} or the real numbers \mathbb{R}.


Created on July 21, 2023 at 19:55:07. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.