nLab subsets are closed in a closed subspace precisely if they are closed in the ambient space




topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)

see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory


Basic concepts

Universal constructions

Extra stuff, structure, properties


Basic statements


Analysis Theorems

topological homotopy theory




Let (X,τ)(X,\tau) be a topological space, and let CXC \subset X be a closed subset, regarded as a topological subspace (C,τ sub)(C,\tau_{sub}). Then a subset SCS \subset C is a closed subset of (C,τ sub)(C,\tau_{sub}) precisely if it is closed as a subset of (X,τ)(X,\tau).


If SCS \subset C is closed in (C,τ sub)(C,\tau_{sub}) this means equivalently that there is an open open subset VCV \subset C in (C,τ sub)(C, \tau_{sub}) such that

S=C\V. S = C \backslash V \,.

But by the definition of the subspace topology, this means equivalently that there is a subset UXU \subset X which is open in (X,τ)(X,\tau) such that V=UCV = U \cap C. Hence the above is equivalent to the existence of an open subset UXU \subset X such that

S =C\V =C\(UC) =C\U. \begin{aligned} S & = C \backslash V \\ & = C \backslash (U \cap C) \\ & = C \backslash U \end{aligned} \,.

But now the condition that CC itself is a closed subset of (X,τ)(X,\tau) means equivalently that there is an open subset WXW \subset X with C=X\WC = X \backslash W. Hence the above is equivalent to the existence of two open subsets W,UXW,U \subset X such that

S=(X\W)\U=X\(WU). S = (X \backslash W) \backslash U = X \backslash (W \cup U) \,.

Since the union WUW \cup U is again open, this implies that SS is closed in (X,τ)(X,\tau).

Conversely, that SXS \subset X is closed in (X,τ)(X,\tau) means that there exists an open TXT \subset X with S=X\TXS = X \backslash T \subset X. This means that S=SC=(X\T)C=C\T=C\(TC)S = S \cap C = (X \backslash T) \cap C = C\backslash T = C \backslash (T \cap C), and since TCT \cap C is open in (C,τ sub)(C,\tau_{sub}) by definition of the subspace topology, this means that SCS \subset C is closed in (C,τ sub)(C, \tau_{sub}).

Created on May 15, 2017 at 16:15:04. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.