nLab normal complex of groups



Chain complexes are most often encountered in an Abelian context, but the definition makes sense even when the groups involved need not be abelian. What does not work well is the formation of the homology of such a chain complex of groups, except if it is ‘normal’ in the following sense:


A chain complex of groups is a sequence (of any length, finite or infinite) of groups and homomorphisms, for instance,

C n nC n1 n1C n2,\ldots \to C_n \stackrel{\partial_n}{\longrightarrow} C_{n-1} \stackrel{\partial_{n-1}}{\longrightarrow}C_{n-2}\longrightarrow \ldots ,

in which each composite n1 n\partial_{n-1} \circ \partial_n is the trivial homomorphism.

The chain complex is normal if each image nC n\partial_n C_n is a normal subgroup of the next group C n1C_{n-1}.


If GG is a simplicial group then its Moore complex is a normal complex of groups. See there.


There is an obvious generalisation to normal complex of groupoids, provided one keeps to working with groupoids all having the same set of objects and morphisms which are the identity on objects.

Likewise, one can talk about normal complexes in a semi-abelian category.

Last revised on March 19, 2015 at 17:15:22. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.