Homotopy Type Theory irrational numbers > history (Rev #2)


Let RR be an Archimedean ordered integral domain with the integers R\mathbb{Z} \subseteq R being a integral subdomain of RR, with monic function f:Rf:\mathbb{Z} \to R. The tight apartness relation r#sr # s in RR is defined as

r#s(r<s)×(s<r)r # s \coloneqq (r \lt s) \times (s \lt r)

Let us define the dependent type on RR

isIrrational(r) a: b:(f(a)#0)×(f(a)r#f(b))isIrrational(r) \coloneqq \prod_{a:\mathbb{Z}} \prod_{b:\mathbb{Z}} (f(a) # 0) \times (f(a) \cdot r # f(b))

rr is irrational if the type isIrrational(r)isIrrational(r) has a term.

The type of irrational numbers in RR is defined as:

Irrational(R) r:RisIrrational(r)Irrational(R) \coloneqq \sum_{r:R} isIrrational(r)

See also

Revision on March 15, 2022 at 16:38:09 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.