Homotopy Type Theory monic function > history (Rev #3, changes)

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Given a natural number n:n:\mathbb{N}, a function f:ABf:A \to B is a nn-monic function if for all terms b:Bb:B the fiber of a function f:ABf:A \to B over b:Bb:B has an homotopy level of nn.

isMonic(n,f) b:BhasHLevel(n, b:Bfiber(f,b))(n,fiber(f,b)) isMonic(n, f) \coloneqq hasHLevel\left(n, \prod_{b:B} hasHLevel(n, fiber(f, b)\right) b))

A equivalence is a 00-monic function. 11-monic functions are typically just called monic functions.

The type of all nn-monic functions with domain AA and codomain BB is defined as

monic(n,A,B): f:ABisMonic(n,f)monic(n, A, B): \sum_{f:A \to B} isMonic(n, f)

For every natural number n:n:\mathbb{N}, monic(n,A,B)monic(n, A, B) has a homotopy level of nn.

In particular, the type of all monic functions with domain AA and codomain BB, defined as

ABmonic(1,A,B)A \subseteq B \coloneqq monic(1, A, B)

is a proposition. AA is called a subtype of BB, and BB is called a supertype of AA. If AA and BB are sets, then AA is a subset of BB and BB is a superset of AA.

See also

  • fiber
  • epic function?
  • lower poset?
  • upper poset?

Revision on March 12, 2022 at 23:14:51 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.