Homotopy Type Theory homotopy level > history (Rev #2, changes)

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A type AA has a homotopy level or h-level of nn if the type hasHLevel(n,A)hasHLevel(n, A) is inhabited, for natural number n:n:\mathbb{N}. hasHLevel(n,A)hasHLevel(n, A) is inductively defined

hasHLevel(0,A)isContr(A)hasHLevel(0, A) \coloneqq isContr(A)
hasHLevel(s(n),A) a:A b:AhasHLevel(n,a= Ab)hasHLevel(s(n), A) \coloneqq \prod_{a:A} \prod_{b:A} hasHLevel(n, a =_A b)


  • Every proposition has a homotopy level of 11.

  • Every set has a homotopy level of 22.

See also


  • Ayberk Tosun, Formal Topology in Univalent Foundations, (pdf)

Revision on March 12, 2022 at 22:46:54 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.