Homotopy Type Theory dagger precategory > history (Rev #1, changes)

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A dagger precategory AA is a precategory with the following:

  • For every a,b:Aa,b:A, a function () :hom A(a,b)hom A(b,a)(-)^\dagger: hom_A(a,b) \to hom_A(b,a)
  • For every a:Aa:A, an identity (1 a) =1 a(1_a)^\dagger = 1_a
  • For every a,b:Aa,b:A and every f:hom A(a,b)f:hom_A(a,b) and g:hom A(b,c)g:hom_A(b,c), an identity (gf) =f g (g \circ f)^\dagger = f^\dagger \circ g^\dagger
  • For every a,b:Aa,b:A and every f:hom A(a,b)f:hom_A(a,b), an identity ((f) ) =f((f)^\dagger)^\dagger = f.


There are two notions of “sameness” for objects of a dagger precategory. On one hand we have a unitary isomorphism between objects aa and bb on the other hand we have equality of objects aa and bb.

There is a special kind of dagger precategory called a dagger category where these two notions of equality coincide and some very nice properties arise:

If AA is a dagger precategory and a,b:Aa,b:A, then there is a map

idtouiso:(a=b)(a b)idtouiso : (a=b) \to (a \cong^\dagger b)

Proof. By induction on identity, we may assume aa and bb are the same. But then we have 1 a:hom A(a,a)1_a:hom_A(a,a), which is a unitary isomorphism. \square


  • Every dagger category is a dagger precategory.

  • For any type XX, there is a dagger precategory with XX as its type of objects and with hom(x,y)x=y 0hom(x,y)\equiv \| x= y \|_0. The composition operation

    y=z 0x=y 0y=z 0\|y=z\|_0 \to \|x=y\|_0 \to \|y=z\|_0

    is defined by induction on truncation? from concatenation of the identity type, and the dagger is defined by induction on truncation? from inversion of the identity type. We call this the fundamental pregroupoid of XX.

See also


HoTT Book

category: category theory

Revision on February 14, 2022 at 08:29:53 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.