Homotopy Type Theory Tarski universe > history (Rev #1)


Tarski universes are the internal models of dependent type theory inside of a dependent type theory. They are useful in that one could define inductive types? and higher inductive types directly through the universal properties? of such types, rather than through the formation, introduction, elimination, computation, and uniqueness rules of such types.


We work inside of a dependent type theory with type judgments and term judgments and a notion of identity types, dependent sum types?, and dependent product types?.

A Tarski universe is a type UU with a type family TT whose dependent types T(A)T(A) are indexed by terms A:UA:U.

The terms A:UA:U represent the internal types of the universe, or equivalently, the UU-small types. An internal type family or a locally UU-small type family BB in UU indexed by a internal type A:UA:U is represented by a function B:T(A)UB:T(A) \to U; for each term a:T(A)a:T(A) the term B(a)B(a) is a dependent type, and the term b(a):T(B(A))b(a):T(B(A)) is a dependent term or section.


Already, we could define certain external properties a Tarski universe could have.

There are two notions of equivalence in a Tarski universe (U,T)(U, T), equality A= UBA =_U B and equivalence T(A)T(B)T(A) \simeq T(B). There is a canonical transport dependent function

transport T: A:UB:U(A= UB)T(A)T(B)\mathrm{transport}^T:\prod_{A:U} \prod{B:U} (A =_U B) \to T(A) \simeq T(B)

A Tarski universe is externally univalent if for all terms A:UA:U and B:UB:U the function transport T(A,B)\mathrm{transport}^T(A, B) is an equivalence of types

a:A b:BisEquiv(transport T(A,B))\prod_{a:A} \prod_{b:B} \mathrm{isEquiv}(\mathrm{transport}^T(A, B))

Similarly, a Tarski universe satisfies the external axiom K? if for all terms A:UA:U the type T(A)T(A) is an h-set?

a:AishSet(T(A))\prod_{a:A} \mathrm{ishSet}(T(A))

It is possible for a Tarski universe to be both externally univalent and satisfy the external axiom K: the resulting Tarski universe UU is an h-groupoid?, since the type of equivalences ABA \simeq B between any two h-sets? AA and BB is an h-set? itself.

There are other versions of axiom K, one for each h-level? nn: for all terms A:UA:U the type T(A)T(A) is at h-level? nn

a:AisHLevel(n,T(A))\prod_{a:A} \mathrm{isHLevel}(n, T(A))

If UU is also externally univalent, then UU has h-level? n+1n + 1.

A Tarski universe satisfies the external axiom of choice? if for all UU-small types A:UA:U, locally UU-small type families B:AUB:A \to U, and dependent functions P:Prod a:T(A)B(a)UP:\Prod_{a:T(A)} B(a) \to U such that

  • T(A)T(A) is an h-set?
  • T(B(a))T(B(a)) is an h-set? for all terms a:T(A)a:T(A)
  • P(b,a)P(b, a) is an h-proposition? for all terms a:T(a)a:T(a) and b:T(B(a))b:T(B(a))

there is a witness

choice(A,B,P):( a:T(A)[ b:T(B(a))P(b,a)])[ g:Prod a:T(A)B(a) a:T(A)P(x,g(x))]\mathrm{choice}(A, B, P):\left(\prod_{a:T(A)} \left[ \sum_{b:T(B(a))} P(b, a) \right] \right) \to \left[ \sum_{g:\Prod_{a:T(A)} B(a)} \prod_{a:T(A)} P(x, g(x)) \right]

where the type [A]\left[A\right] is the propositional truncation? of the type AA.

Tarski universe homomorphisms

Universe hierarchies

Internalization of types

Identity types

Dependent function types

Dependent sum types

Internal properties


  • Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics, The Univalent Foundations Program, Institute for Advanced Study, 2013. (web, pdf)

  • Egbert Rijke, Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Cambridge University Press (pdf) (478 pages)

Revision on October 4, 2022 at 14:33:01 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.