Homotopy Type Theory Cauchy real numbers (disambiguation) > history (Rev #2)

Disambiguation page

There are many different types which are called Cauchy real numbers in the literature. These include:

  • sequential Cauchy real numbers?, which is defined using Cauchy sequences of a dense integral subdomain of the rational numbers.

  • generalized Cauchy real numbers, which is defined using all Cauchy nets of a dense integral subdomain of the rational numbers in a universe.

  • modulated sequential Cauchy real numbers? and modulated generalized Cauchy real numbers?, where the modulus of convergence is structure rather than mere property

  • HoTT real numbers?, which is defined as the free complete metric space generated by a dense integral subdomain of the rational numbers, and called the Cauchy real numbers in the HoTT book.

See also


HoTT book

  • Auke B. Booij, The HoTT reals coincide with the Escardó-Simpson reals, (abs:1706.05956)
  • Auke B. Booij, Extensional constructive real analysis via locators, (abs:1805.06781)

Revision on February 26, 2022 at 20:42:17 by Anonymous?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.