Holmstrom Witt groups

Witt groups

People to ask: Baptiste Calmes, Paul Balmer

Witt groups

http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0388: “We construct a spectral sequence starting with the Witt groups of the residue fields of a scheme and converging to the Witt groups of that scheme. The first page of this spectral sequence reduces to a Gersten complex. In low dimension, this gives new results regarding purity. The Witt groups of punctured spectra of regular local rings are also computed.”

Witt groups

Witt cohomology and the Gersten Conjecture, by Paul Balmer: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0433

Witt groups

Hornbostel on hermitian K-theory and Witt groups

Witt groups

Walter on Grothendieck-Witt groups of triangulated categories, see also http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0644.

category: [Private] Notes

Witt groups

The Witt groups of spheres away from two, by Ivo Dell’Ambrogio and Jean Fasel: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0769

Witt groups


Google Scholar


arXiv: Experimental full text search

arXiv: Abstract search

category: Search results

Witt groups

AG (Algebraic geometry), CT

category: World [private]

Witt groups


category: Labels [private]

Witt groups

Balmer: Witt groups (Chapter in the K-theory handbook, volume 2).

category: Paper References

Witt groups

See also Motivic homotopy theory

Witt groups

Must add Ostvaer-Roendigs article on some spectral sequence for slices of integral Witt theory, possibly giving a new proof of the Milnor conjecture.

Zibrowius: Witt groups of curves and surfaces: http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/1110.1879

Pairings in triangular Witt theory, by Stefan Gille and Alexander Nenashev

Old thing by Balmer

An example by Totaro

Calmes and Hornbostel

Otherwise, search for Balmer at K-theory archive and the arXiv. Will not add all references here.

[arXiv:1212.5780] On the relation of special linear algebraic cobordism to Witt groups from arXiv Front: math.KT by Alexey Ananyevskiy We reconstruct derived Witt groups via special linear algebraic cobordism. There is a morphism g: MSL^{,} -> W^* of ring cohomology theories which sends the canonical Thom class th^{MSL} to the Thom class th^{W}. We show that for every smooth variety X this morphism induces an isomorphism between MSL^{,}(X)/(h -1) with the “extended” coefficient ring MSL^{4,2}(pt) -> W^{2}(pt) and derived Witt groups W^(X), where h is the stable Hopf map. This result is an analogue of the result by Panin and Walter reconstructing hermitian K-theory using symplectic algebraic cobordism.

Stabilization of the Witt Group, by Max Karoubi: Using an idea due to R. Thomason, we define a “homology theory” on the category of rings which satisfies excision, exactness, homotopy (in the algebraic sense) and periodicity of order 4. For regular noetherian rings, we find P. Balmers’s higher Witt groups. For more general rings, this homology is isomorphic to the KT-theory of J. Hornbostel, inspired by the work of B. Williams. For real or complex C-algebras, we recover - up to 2 torsion - topological K-theory. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0757


Projective push-forwards in the Witt theory of algebraic varieties, by Alexander Nenashev: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0848

nLab page on Witt groups

Created on June 10, 2014 at 21:14:54 by Andreas Holmström