Holmstrom Spectral sequence examples







Descent spectral sequence


Leray spectral sequence

Local to global ss

Grothendieck ss

Goerss-Jardine IV.5. It is defined for any map p:EBp: E \to B of simplicial sets, and converges to the homology of EE. If pp is a fibration we recover the Serre spectral sequence.

Homotopy ss of a cosimplicial space

From Goerss-Jardine ch VII: One of the most commonly used tools in homotopy theory is the homotopy spectral sequence of a cosimplicial space. This first appeared in the work of Bousfield and Kan [14] and has been further analyzed by Bousfield [10]. Two of the standard examples include the Bousfield-Kan spectral sequence — an unstable Adams spectral sequence that arose before the general example [7] — and the spectral sequence for computing the homotopy groups of the homotopy inverse limit of a diagram of pointed spaces. One of the main purposes of this chapter is to define and discuss this kind of spectral sequence. We will do much more however; for example, we will give a detailed analysis of the total tower of a cosimplicial space, which is the basic object from which the spectral sequence is derived.

nLab page on Spectral sequence examples

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:14 by Andreas Holmström