Holmstrom Rigid analytic geometry

Some notes by Kedlaya. Some motivation.


I think rigid analytic geometry is mentioned as an example in Higher topos theory

Ask Michael for other notes.

What is rigid analytic geometry? One ref is Bosch, Guntzer and Remmert: Non-archimedean analysis. Springer, 1984.

MR review of the book of Huber http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=1734903. At least five frameworks for non-Archimedean anlytic geometry: Tate’s rigid analytic approach, Raynaud’s formal scheme approach, Berkovich spaces, and Fujiwara’s Zariski-Riemann spaces. To this one should maybe add perfectoid spaces, or maybe they are a subclass of adic spaces. For the relation between these notions, see the review and Scholze’s first IHES lecture.

nLab page on Rigid analytic geometry

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas Holmström