Holmstrom Pseudo-abelian category

An Additive category π’ž\mathcal{C} is called pseudo-abelian if of for every endomorphism eβˆˆπ’ž(A,A)e \in \mathcal{C}(A,A) such that e 2=ee^2=e, one can write AA as a direct sum A 1βŠ•A 2A_1 \oplus A_2 such that ee is the composition of the projection Aβ†’A 1A \to A_1 and the inclusion A 1β†’AA_1 \to A. We call A 1A_1 the image of ee, and denote it by e(A)e(A). In this situation, A 2A_2 will be the image of 1βˆ’e1-e.

Let π’ž\mathcal{C} be any additive category. Write π’ž ps\mathcal{C}^{ps} for the category in which the objects are pairs (A,e)(A,e) where AA is and object of π’ž\mathcal{C} and ee is an idempotent endomorphism of AA, and where the morphisms from (A,e)(A,e) to (Aβ€²,eβ€²)(A', e')are given by the subgroup of π’ž(A,Aβ€²)\mathcal{C}(A,A') of morphisms of the form eβ€²βˆ˜f∘ee' \circ f \circ e. It is easy to verify that π’ž ps\mathcal{C}^{ps} is pseudo-abelian, and we call it the pseudo-abelian envelope of π’ž\mathcal{C}. The obvious functor π’žβ†’π’ž ps\mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C}^{ps} is fully faithful.

Balmer and Schlichting proved that a pseudo-abelian envelope of a triangulated category is also triangulated.



nLab page on Pseudo-abelian category

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas HolmstrΓΆm