Holmstrom Pointed model category

The homotopy category of a pointed MC is a closed HoSset *Ho \ Sset_*-module. However, it also has additional structure. This is the subject of Hovey, chapter 6. In particular:

The iterated suspension functor Σ t\Sigma^t lifts to a functor to the category of (abelian) cogroups in HoCHo \ C if t1t \geq 1 (t2t \geq 2). Same for Omega tOmega^t and the category of groups. (Recall that a group object represents a contravariant functor to Grp, and a cogroup object represents a covariant such functor.)

Section 6.2: There is a natural coaction in HoCHo \ C of the cogroup ΣA\Sigma A on the cofiber of a cofibration of cofibrant objects ABA \to B. Also something about an action of the group object ΩB\Omega B on some fiber. Cofiber sequences and fiber sequences.

nLab page on Pointed model category

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas Holmström