Holmstrom Godement resolution

Let FF be a sheaf of abelian groups on a site SS with enough points. The Godement resolution of FF is defined as follows:

I(F)= xSi x*F xI(F) = \prod_{x \in S} i_{x*} F_x

Gd 0(F)=I(F)Gd^0(F) = I(F)

Gd 1(F)=I(coker(FGd 0(F)))Gd^1(F) = I(coker ( F \to Gd^0(F) ) )

Gd n+1(F)=I(coker(Gd n1(F)Gd n(F)))Gd^{n+1}(F) = I(coker ( Gd^{n-1}(F) \to Gd^n(F) ) )

This resolution is functorial under morphisms of sites.

nLab page on Godement resolution

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas Holmström