Holmstrom Classical Brown representability





We follow Kono and Tamaki.

We say that a functor CW *SetCW_* \to Set is a homotopy functor if H(f)=H(g)H(f)=H(g) whenever ff is homotopic to gg. I guess this is the same as a functor on the homotopy category.

A contravariant representable homotopy functor must satisfy the Wedge axiom and a Mayer-Vietoris property: For two subspaces A,BA, B of a space XX, and two elements aH(A),bH(B)a \in H(A), b \in H(B), there exists an element cH(AB)c \in H(A \cup B) which “restricts” to aa and to bb.

A homotopy functor satisfying these two properties is called a Brown functor. (We also require H(pt)H(pt) \neq \emptyset)

Thm: A Brown functor takes values in Set *Set_*. Moreover, H(ΣX)H(\Sigma X) is a group and H(Σ kX)H(\Sigma^k X) is an abelian group for k2k \geq 2.

Thm: Any Brown functor is representable. Similar statement for finite CW complexes, under some additional hypothesis.

nLab page on Classical Brown representability

Created on June 9, 2014 at 21:16:13 by Andreas Holmström